TMJ/TMD in Raleigh, NC

Get jaw and joint pain relief at your local dentist, City of Oaks Dental.

TMJ/TMD Disorder
Our dentist helps treat your jaw problems and jaw pain.
Image of a doctor examining a patient's jaws

Do you have persistent jaw pain that gets in the way of your daily life, affecting mood, concentration, and overall health? The issue could be caused by TMJ/TMD disorder.

TMJ/TMD, short for temporomandibular joints, includes the jaw muscles and joints that let you open and close your mouth to eat, speak, and yawn. The TMJ/TMD is a complex system, and if there’s a problem with it, this prevents the jaw from functioning properly – called a TMJ/TMD disorder. Causes of TMJ/TMD disorder include teeth grinding, jaw misalignment, stress, injury, and arthritis.

Signs of TMJ/TMD disorder:

  • Locking or popping jaw, tenderness in the jaw

  • Pain in the temporomandibular joint or around ears, headaches, neck pains

  • Pain while chewing or opening mouth

We can help diagnose and treat your TMJ/TMD disorder so that you return to normalcy.

Advantages of TMJ/TMD Disorder Treatment
Here are just a few reasons why our dental patients appreciate our TMJ treatment.
Pain Relief

Treating your TMJ disorder successfully will relieve pain and discomfort.


We’ll create a treatment plan that’s easy to follow.

Overall Health

Your whole health will improve when your oral health improves.

How TMJ/TMD Disorder Treatment Works
Treating TMJ disorder with City of Oaks Dental starts with a diagnosis.
An image of a computer monitor showing jaws in a 3D model

After an initial consultation at City of Oaks Dental in Raleigh, NC we’ll examine your jaw and explore different TMJ/TMD treatments. Treatment starts with the easiest option first.

  • Step 1

    After discussing your medical history, we diagnose TMJ disorder by examining the jaw, using BioPak EMG technology, checking the jaw’s range of motion to locate areas of discomfort, and taking X-rays of the temporomandibular joint.

  • Step 2

    Next, Dr. Throop may recommend remedies to try at home or more complex options for those with disfunction of the TMJ. Treatment may be as simple as eating softer food, practicing relaxation or meditation to loosen muscles or as complex as using orthotics, orthodontic therapy or restorative dentistry to change your TMJ position.

  • Step 3

    We will track your treatment progress by using our BioPak and T-scan technology treatment to ensure we are making improvements with your TMJ/TMD pain.

We’ll review treatment, and if it doesn’t help with the TMJ/TMD pain, we’ll move to the next phase of TMJ/TMD treatment to correct the bite. This may include orthodontics, crowns, bridges, and in serious cases, surgery for the joint or alignment itself.

  • What is the main cause of TMJ/TMD?

    There are several causes of TMJ/TMD disorder, including teeth grinding, jaw misalignment, congenital growth, stress, mouth injury, and arthritis.

    The cause of TMJ/TMD disorder can include physical and emotional stress. Daily stress can lead to jaw clenching, which causes pressure on the jaw and its muscles and ligaments.

    TMJ/TMD disorder can cause jaw pain, neck pain, earaches, headaches, inability to open the mouth fully, and a popping jaw.

  • Does TMJ go away?

    With TMJ/TMD treatment at Raleigh, NC we can find the best way to ease your jaw pain.

  • How long does it take for TMJ/TMD to go away?

    TMJ/TMD flare-ups can last for several hours to days, but there are ways to prevent flare-ups at home.

    Contact us to find the best treatment to control your TMJ/TMD disorder and, in turn, the TMJ/TMD flare-ups as well.

  • What happens if TMJ/TMD is left untreated?

    TMJ/TMD disorder is not life-threatening but can turn into a debilitating condition if left untreated. TMJ/TMD pain and discomfort can become chronic and even cause anxiety and depression.

    Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is one of the leading reasons for chronic jaw and facial pain. Don’t let TMJ/TMD disorder slow you down. Please schedule a consultation with our dentist today.

  • What can a dentist do for TMJ/TMD?

    Your dentist can help diagnose and treat your TMJ/TMD disorder by creating a custom treatment plan starting with the easiest and least invasive options.

    If your TMJ/TMD disorder is caused by jaw clenching or teeth grinding, then your dentist can make a custom nightguard to prevent this.

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Office Hours

Monday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm

Tuesday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm

Wednesday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm

Thursday: 08:00 am - 04:30 pm